lecture: a project in mozambique *
“a mundzuku ka hina”
Sunday, November 11 | 12:00 | KulturForum
Language: Italian (with English simultaneous interpretation)
The entrance is free – it is asked for a donation.
A MUNDZUKU KA HINA (Our Future) is a school/laboratory that teaches photography, video production, digital imaging and digital literacy to children and youth who live at the dump in Maputo, the capital of Mozambique and to orphans and street children living in the city.
The project came to life – with great difficulty, little financial funds and much skepticism – in June 2009. It was created by Roberto Galante, architect, photographer, writer and filmmaker with the support of a small Italian non-profit association Basilicata Mozambique based in Matera, Italy
The workshops aim at intercepting the intense and often chaotic vitality of young people and channeling it along creative paths. The workshops are also labs of ideas, creativity and confrontation; a place where different experiences, cultures and paths of life converge and each is acknowledged as having equal dignity.
The aim of the project is to develop listening and observation skills necessary to understand and interpret inner and outer reality. Students are taught to develop their own original narrative language and to express their feelings and views through images and words.
* Accompanying program
In cooperation with Heinrich-Böll-Foundation Schleswig-Holstein. Welcome remarks: Dirk Scheelje
Italien Italy